Impare l’arte e mettila da parte
Learn the arts and put them on the side
I want to push the boundaries of art while maintaining the level that was set by old masters and that few artists today are still holding.
Art that is build upon technique and knowledge.
My name is Simone Bordignon Różycki, I'm originally from Vercelli, Italy, a small city in Piemonte. I'm half Polish from my mother side, who was from Warsaw.
I make art, I solve complex artistic equations where the result could be anything, but is not “anything” what I’m looking for.
Experience+time+meaning+materials+subjects+composition+colours = a window on a new world or a different view on something commonly seen.
My style and my view are what make me unique in my field and maybe the fact that everything that surrounds me is a potential input.
I need to create, it feeds and keeps my curiosity in movement. I think I do it for the feeling of wonder each time I finish a piece of art, a sketch or by accident I create a shade of colour, a line, a volume or a feeling, It is a never ending pursuit. There are an infinity of unexplored worlds that can be discovered only by creating them, the technique is the way one chooses to bring them to life and to move within them. There is a world, or maybe more worlds, inside of me and i need to bring them to life. it is almost like a quest, a call, something to which I feel will be no end.
Story of how
The first time I fell in love with art was really early in my life, I must have been around four years old when my father drew a small police car for me on a clean sheet of paper.
I remember being amazed by how something so little could evoke so much!
I kept asking him to draw it again, again and again, each time I was just as astonished.
If I had not been drawing already at the time, I surely began after.
My early influences were videogames and cartoons. In middle-school I got introduced to Hip-hop culture and I started doing some lettering, I wasn't a fan of writing my pseudonim in big intricate letters but I did it anyway out of curiosity till it turned into a more figurative work.
To the encouragement of my mother I attended the Fine Art High School of Alciati.
It was there that I began drawing the muscles/beings with the ballpoint pen that by now has become part of my signature.
I started working, had all kind of jobs, tried three universities and after that In 2014 I moved to Milano for a couple of years. While in Milano I was alternating between work and hitchhiking around Europe of which I was writing travel journals published weekly in the local newspaper, La Sesia, of Vercelli.
I'd travelled 34.000 km around Europe by hitchhiking.
In the summer of 2016 I hitchhiked to Ibiza, but this time was different, I wanted to stay and work there for the season. I didn’t know anybody and didn’t know much about the island but I succeeded in finding a place for my tent through Workaway and got a job as a bartender in Es Canar. It was a surreal experience that lasted 3 months.
Traveling freely and living abroad gave me the confidence for my next step.
I went to Belgium, where someone I had met in Ibiza hosted me for a couple of weeks while I was brewing my next move. One evening I, this guy and a bunch of others were having beers, I wasn’t sure were to go next, only by gut feeling I thought that Amsterdam would have been the right place where to improve and live as an artist. I had a dice with me, icosahedron, the dungeons & dragons kind, 20 numbers linked to 20 different cities.
I rolled the dice, 16, Amsterdam, the day after that evening I hitchhiked to the Netherlands.
It was somewhere in October 2016 when my last ride dropped me off at Nieuwmarkt, a magical moment, that just felt right.
I’ve been living in Amsterdam since, pursuing my artistic carrier, spending the majoroty of my time off work on personal artworks, commitions and self-education.
My current goal is to achieve total independence and work solely for my own art business.
Study at Fine Art High School Alciati of Vercelli
Currently working in an art studio making bronze sculpture
Took part in the double group exhibition “Passion“ at Go Gallery and Kimpton de Witt Hotel in 2021, Amsterdam
Took part in “Artists in Residence at The Grand” at The Sofitel Legend The Grand Amsterdam
Took part in the exhibition “Queens” at Go gallery in 2022, Amsterdam
Photography - Nina Schollaardt